Oral Health for Children Ages 0-24 Months

Tips for All Ages

The #1 best way to prevent tooth decay in your children is to get them excited about taking care of their dental health! While brushing their teeth is probably not your child’s favorite activity, you can make it exciting by using fun toothpastes and toothbrushes your child will like and actually use. Look for fun colors and flavours your children will like when choosing.

We LOVE Sugar, but our teeth don’t!

Sugar accelerates the growth of plaque and ultimately speeds up tooth decay. You can reduce teeth decay by:

> Serve milk or cheese alongside sweet treats as milk acts as a buffer to the acids produced by bacteria.

> Leaving sugar treats as deserts only after mealtime. The increased amount of saliva from lunch or dinner will help protect your children’s teeth.

> Check for candy stuck between your children’s teeth.

> Monitor candy consumption during the holidays!

> Encourage your children to drink more water to help prevent tooth decay

Your baby is growing up!

Start cleaning the gums from birth, once a day, taking advantage of the moment of the bath. Use moistened gauze, the corner of a clean cloth wet with water or a silicone rubber fingertip toothbrush.

As your baby’s first tooth appears, it’s time to start brushing their tooth or teeth at least twice per day for two minutes. It’s also time to visit the dentist after your baby’s first birthday!

Now that your baby’s teeth are coming in, you must brush them regularly to prevent the buildup of plaque. Plaque is a soft and sticky layer of bacteria that grows on teeth and causes tooth decay. To prevent the buildup of plaque, brush your child’s teeth and gums after each feeding.

To clean your child’s tooth and gums, you can use a soft-bristled toothbrush such as the silicone finger brush to gently brush your baby’s teeth and gums.

Use the dimple side to massage gums, this also help alleviate teething gums.

Keep your baby’s toothbrushes clean using warm and soapy water. Store in a clean container, and of course do not leave the toothbrush with your baby as brushing teeth should be done by adults only at this stage.